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    Spotlight on Talent at Hall & Hart: Marko Jovasevic


    Exploring the Intersection of Art and Architecture: A Conversation with Marko Jovasevic

    Welcome to a Q&A session with Marko Jovasevic, Senior Designer at Hall & Hart. Join us as we uncover Marko's profound passion for art and how it complements his design work. Don't miss the chance to meet Marko and discover his captivating artworks at the prestigious TheOtherArtFair Sydney at White Bay Cruise Terminal from May 16 to 19, 2024. Wander through the fair and share a drink with Marko and perhaps you will find the perfect artwork to complement your home!

    What inspired you to pursue an art career, and how has your artistic journey evolved?

    I discovered a deep passion for art from a young age thanks to my mother, who bought me my first oil colours. Over time, I experimented with a lot of mediums, techniques and subject matters, seeking to express myself authentically, and ended up with Oil colours and Figurative Realism. When I enrolled at the University of Architecture, I had a moment of self-discovery that contributed to my artistic development. 


    Can you share some insight into your creative process? How do you typically approach a new project or piece of artwork? 

    I’m in constant search for inspiration and I draw it from nature, emotions, experiences, books, movies, other artworks, antique markets, colleagues, and clients … This initial spark can serve as the foundation for the entire painting.

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    Once inspired, I start conceptualising my ideas. This involves visualising the composition, colours, mood, overall theme and dimensions of the painting. I usually sketch out rough drafts with my favourite Visconti - Michelangelo pen and then I start to think about the painting name, which I find very important for the painting.

    Throughout the painting process, I focus on details, with multiple layers of paint to achieve depth and richness in the final piece. The process can last for weeks or even months and while I evaluate my work, I make adjustments and refinements, fine-tune details, correct mistakes, and ensure that the final piece aligns with my original vision.

    Since the painting is never finished, I try to find the right moment to consider the painting finished by signing it.


    What influences or themes are most prevalent in your work, and why do they resonate with you?

    Figuration, realism, and architecture are prevalent in my paintings.

    As an artist, you likely encounter both moments of inspiration and challenges in your creative process. How do you overcome a creative block or find unexpected inspiration?

    I have too many ideas but not enough time to make those ideas come to life. I always draw inspiration from my surroundings, which means I rarely have creative blocks and already have at least 50 paintings painted in my mind. I also always carry a sketchbook with me to jot down ideas, and write down or sketch snippets of inspiration whenever they strike.

    How does your passion for art complement your role as a Senior Architectural Designer at Hall & Hart? 

    Art encourages me to think outside the box and explore innovative design solutions. It inspires me to push boundaries and experiment with new concepts, which is crucial in architectural design where creativity plays a significant role in creating unique and functional spaces.

    Just like in art, architectural design requires meticulous attention to detail. My passion for art helps me appreciate the finer details in both the aesthetics and functionality of a design and proportions. It allows me to incorporate intricate elements into my architectural designs, enhancing the overall quality and beauty of the final product.

    My background in art enables me to visualise how spaces will look and feel, allowing me to create designs that are not only visually appealing but also functional and comfortable for users.

    Art serves as a constant source of inspiration for me, fueling my creativity and driving me to continuously seek new ideas and approaches in my architectural designs. Whether it's exploring different artistic styles, techniques, or historical movements, my passion for art keeps me motivated and inspired to create impactful designs at Hall & Hart.

    TheOtherAreFair Sydney
    White Bay Cruise Terminal, Sydney
    May 16-19, 2024
    Purchase tickets here